Hello there! I’m Diana Costes Brook, I’m 55 years old and I run my home, Chateau de la Puisaye in Normandy, as a bed and breakfast and holiday cottage business. I say, “my home” but if course it’s also my husband’s Bruno but you might not see him as although he works from home he’s often away running his own business as a consultant, which is very useful because in this day and age every penny counts! I’ve worn many hats in my life. I was a City solicitor but found the film industry more interesting then found myself on a blind date in Rue de Mouffetard in Paris with le charmant Bruno and that was it. Twelve years later, I found myself unemployed and so we made THE BIG MOVE to the country. Poor Bruno had to carry on doing a serious job while I set to work building our dream of renovating a castle and making it pay! I’m not sure to what extent we’ve achieved this - but I love it and love welcoming people and hope they can share something of the feeling we felt when we first came here. OUR HOUSE LOVES PEOPLE! I’d love to share our experience with you.
Ps.We have a son who I adore but he hates me talking about him so ………
Recent Blog Posts
- COVID-19 Crisis Missing you!
- Spring is On its way
- Tutored Creative Writing course Nov 2018
- Beautiful weather so starting to get the pool going! Too green to swim yet!
- Bolivia enjoys the Spring heatwave in the new paddocks
- A little appetizer to get the saliva going! Apple boudin tart with redcurrant sauce …
- First Terrine de Foie Gras of the Party Season
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- The Pool – Day 12 – Ellie’s getting impatient! 1,592 views
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Category Archives: General News
Day 23 – You can almost hear the water lapping at the pool-side!
Yesterday the service locale was just about finished (it just needs a roof). Today the guys laid 19 m3 of concrete around the pool to support the tiles and keep the areas around the service locale neat and tidy.
Day 20 That Swim is getting closer!
The pool is nearly “finished” but the liner can’t go in until the weather is better and temperatures reach 20°C. In the meantime the tiles are about to be laid and the service locale built.
The Pool! Sunny Days at Last!
After two weeks of rain and mud the terracing has started at last and we can begin to see what it’s going to look like. Tomorrow 12 m3 of ciment is being laid and the pool will be finished. Next … Continue reading
The pool – Day 16 – Dreams are Becoming Reality!
The Pool – Day 12 – Ellie’s getting impatient!
Tons and tons of ciment seem to be pouring into a bottomless pit!
La Piscine! La Piscine! Day 6
The steel structure starts to fit into place!
Snowdrops on the First Truly Fine Day for months
Work on the Swimming-Pool starts at Last! Day 1
First-born lamb brings in the New Year!
A hearty welcome to this season’s first-born lamb – a bit later than usual but delivered safe and sound!